

The Association exists:  “to promote and protect the interests of residents”.  This is in the official constitution.  The Committee meets regularly and acts to fulfil that role on behalf of those who live in the road.

What does this mean in practice:

A. In General

The committee will endeavour to make all residents feel a part of a caring community, pleased to welcome newcomers and proud of its position as one of the most beautiful of all places in Bath in which to live.

B. Support for neighbours

Look out for people who are new to the road [1-63] and make sure they feel welcome and encouraged to be members.

Try to unobtrusively ensure that people who are ill, going away, returning from abroad or whose circumstances change in any way feel that they are supported.

C. Communication

Keep residents informed through e-mails, newsletters, the website, events and an annual general meeting. Consult with members on matters affecting our community and Bath in general.

D. Maintenance & Enhancement of the immediate local environment

  1. Monitor the condition of the road and pavements at the front of the houses and look out for hazards and problems caused by traffic, parking, blocked gullies, litter and overhanging trees.
  2. Plan for appropriate improvements, such as street lamps, painted railings.
  3. Establish good relations with the Canal & River Trust in monitoring the use and improvement of the tow path.

E. Links with other organizations and groups

Establish good working relationships with those groups whose activities relate to the association. These include B&NES, FoBRA, Neighbouring Resident Associations, [Bathwick Hill; Widcombe]; Local councillors [Bathwick, Widcombe]; The National Trust [in regard to Bathwick fields]; Smallcombe Cemetery.

We aim to represent our members’ views on local issues such as planning, transport, parking, pollution and anything that affects the quality of life in our area. But, we need to know what matters to residents. So, do inform us!
